Thank you for using the services of the DERZAY online store!

We try to simplify the required amount of information provided during registration as much as possible. Since you trust us with personal data, we must adhere to the rules established by the legislation of Ukraine, in particular, the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data." You can read this law here.

We guarantee that we will keep your contact information confidential during registration. We wouldn't use personal data for gain, third-party resources, or spamming.

When completing the ordering procedure in the DERZAY online store for the first time, it will take you to a page with the terms of the privacy policy and ask you about agreeing to use personal data. If you refuse this operation, unfortunately, we will not be able to accept and process your order. In the future, you can refuse to view the page with the privacy policy terms.

By this agreement, you permit to:

  • Ordering processing and fulfillment.
  • Saving contact information in our database: for the correct order execution, identification in case of repeated orders, and calculating the discount percentage for the loyalty program.
  • We can send information about innovations and promotions of our company by e-mail.
  • We can collect some information related to you that is not confidential, for example, information about the type of operating system or browser and the domain name of an Internet service provider. This information is collected to determine the most popular pages on the site, troubleshoot problems while using the service, and select the overall benefit of our site to users.

Please note that the DERZAY online store may change the terms of service and the loyalty program. We will inform you about the changes by e-mail or on the company's website.

Remember that any information you provide while commenting on the services of the DERZAY online store on the website, social networks, or the Internet may become public. We recommend distributing information about yourself solely at your discretion.